This edureka video on Artificial Intelligence will help you understand the concept of AI and how it is used in the real world to solve complex data driven problems. The following topics are covered in this video: 1. What Is Artificial Intelligence? 2. Types Of Artificial Intelligence 3. Applications Of Artificial Intelligence . More
This Blockchain video will help you understand what led to the creation of Blockchain, what Blockchain is, how a Bitcoin transaction works, how Blockchain plays an integral role in it with feartures like hash encryption, proof of work and mining and how Blockchain technology is used in real life scenarios. Blockchain is a public distributed […]Read More
Science is now able to see the arrangements of atoms and molecules of solid materials in 3D. A paper published in the periodical “Nano Letters” explains how the researcher Tobias Lhur et al was able to develop the first imaging technique that can clearly see inside molecular structures, and have used it to create 3D […]Read More
How will science and technology change our lives, and the careers that current school students might choose in the near future?Agriculture Engineering: In the future vertical farming in specially designed building will replace traditional outdoor farming. Vertical farms will produce any agricultural products any time of the year. It will be highly automated and controlled […]Read More
Two studies from the Brain and Creativity Institute at the University of Southern California show that music training can enhance the cognitive abilities of the brain. Music training can change both the structure of the brain’s white matter, which carries signals through the brain, and gray matter, which contains most of the brain’s neurons that […]Read More
Engineers at Caltech, Huntington Medical Research Institute, and the University of Southern California have demonstrated that the camera on your smartphone can noninvasively provide detailed information about your heart’s health. What used to require a 45-minute scan from an ultrasound machine can now be accomplished by simply holding your phone up to your neck for […]Read More
New technique 3-D prints programmed cells into living devices for first time. MIT engineers have devised a 3-D printing technique that uses a new kind of ink made from genetically programmed living cells. The engineers say in the future, researchers may use the team’s technique to print “living computers” — structures with multiple types of […]Read More
It is important for students wishing to become doctors or biomedical engineers in the future, to know what computational medicine is. Johns Hopkins researchers constructed a powerful new computer model that replicates the biological activity within the heart that precedes sudden cardiac death. Researchers, wanted to know how chemical activities in the heart cells led […]Read More
IBM’s Watson is helping doctors identify treatment options for cancer patients — and it’s even suggesting solutions that humans failed to see. WATSON discovered “potential therapeutic options” for 323 additional patients. Human doctors had not identified “recognized actionable mutations” in 96 of these patients. IBM’s Watson is helping doctors identify treatment options for cancer patients […]Read More
توصل علماء من جامعة إكسيتر البريطانية الى تطوير رقاقة كومبيوتر فوتونية، تستخدم فوتونات الضوء بدلاً من الكهرباء لمحاكاة عمل نقاط الإشتباك العصبي أو نقاط إلتقاء الخلايا العصبية في الدماغ البشري. وقال العالم دانييل رايت المساهم في تطوير هذه الرقاقة الفوتونية، أن الكمبيوترات الإلكترونية بطيئة نسبياً، ولا تمتلك القدرة على معالجة المعلومات بشكل متواز كما يفعل […]Read More